The Certificate program in Hindu Civilizational Studies (C.H.C.S)  is a 12-acknowledge hour program for a top to bottom investigation of the Hindu Civilization according to a Hindu point of view. It gives the understudy a grounded comprehension of Hindu Dharma as one of the most established, constant, nevertheless flourishing societies of the world. It unfurls the worldview of Dharma, i.e., supportability or regular request, through an investigation of its way of life and information customs. This program empowers the understudy to find, reconnect and become significantly settled in the worldview of Sanatana Dharma through a precise investigation of the Hindu Human progress. 

Declaration in Hindu Civilizational Studies

It contains 2 sections 

1.Exploring Hinduism - a bunch of courses to acquire a comprehension of Sanatana Dharma and Hindu idea - the bedrock of the Hindu Civilization, by investigating the set of experiences, features, and practices of this culture, which depends on the standards of Dharma at its center. What is Sanatana Dharma? What is Hinduism? When did Hinduism begin? Who is a Hindu? What makes Hindus unique? Does Hindu idea have pertinence in this day and age? Replies to such inquiries can be viewed as in this "Investigating Hinduism" set of courses. 

2.Hindu Commitments To The World - a bunch of courses to figure out what the Hindu civilization and its insight frameworks had meant for world advancement with commitments in the domain of both Matter and Psyche. This series of courses looks past the legends put into high gear by a couple hundred years of frontier experience and inspects the proof for technical disciplines, innovations, developments, industry, thriving, riches and thought initiative that had made India a sought-after human progress across times.

 It is presently acknowledged information that India was at the top in world exchange for something like 2000 years with 1/3 rd of world exchange coming from India. Yet, there is next to no make reference to of how India achieved this position. What did it make? What did it exchange? This arrangement of courses delves into the subtleties of the singular parts that made up this 33% of world exchange and its effect on the world and in India. This topic stays unacknowledged and is seldom accessible for conversation. It additionally resolves the significant inquiry, "How should this development give and that's just the beginning - both toward the East and the West?".

 It is a cyclic program of 8 quarters/courses, where members can join during any quarter and get their Certificate once they complete the 8 courses in any request and at their own speed, contingent upon their capacity to join any quarter. This program is available to all - those regardless of Indian or Hindu roots, any place they might be on the planet. It will assist with seeing the world from a Hindu, Bharatiya, Indic viewpoint and experience how different it is, from what we assume we know.

 Program Learning Results: 

Toward the finish of this program, understudies will actually want to: 

Make sense of the Hindu Worldview of Dharma

Depict notable parts of the Hindu Progress

Investigate different deceptions of Hinduism

Integrate a far reaching record of world history

Lay out an extended feeling of direction and importance

Ideal interest group:

 This program is appropriate for those looking for self-improvement in any at least one of the accompanying aspects.

 1) Scholastics Understudies can join this course program notwithstanding their continuous scholarly projects of study, at timings that don't conflict with their really scholastic projects, to acquire an extra certificate with worldwide credits.

 2) Vocation Experts and people can join this as a Proceeded with Instruction program to develop their professions by tracking down motivation, thoughts, conviction as well as bearing to enhance or add to fix with Dharma and maintainability.

 3) Social Where, youths, companions, guardians and grandparents can combine or independently, from same area or even across landmasses to animate significant conversations about their underlying foundations, customs and culture, inside geologically scattered families as well.

 What amount of time will this program require? 

This program is spread across 8 quarters and subsequently the base span for this program is 2 schedule years. Notwithstanding, since it is recurrent, understudies can join during any quarter and complete the courses all around.

Program Testament will be granted solely after every one of the 8 courses are finished. In any case, toward the finish of each course, understudies will have the choice of downloading their particular course consummation endorsement for that quarter.

 Construction of the Program: 

This is an all out 12 credit hours program. 

The program includes 2 series of 4 courses each, i.e 8 courses absolutely across 8 quarters.

 Each course traverses 10 on the web, live meetings with the staff for around 100 minutes each. These meetings will commonly be hung on Ends of the week at schedule openings appropriate for USA and India - 1 every week crossing 10 ends of the week or 2 every week traversing 5 weekends.These timings should as a rule be reasonable for Europe and UK as well. In the event of other time regions, clumps might be added subject to the quantity of enrollments from that point.

 Program Setting: 

In the present cutthroat world, where many are similarly and very capable, would could it be that can set

somebody separated? Is it a feeling of direction? Is it enthusiasm for having an effect? Is it SEL abilities, i.e., Social and Profound Acquiring Abilities? These are capacities and perspectives that lie outside center skill levels like perusing, composing and number-crunching. They are abilities that permit imagination, critical thinking and correspondence with mindful social commitment at their center. In any case, dissimilar to Center Essential abilities which can be educated, the SEL abilities must be developed utilizing strategies that can encourage interest, rouse thoughts, animate idea and foster certainty.

Hindu Human progress is a repository of experiences and information, with an exceptional history of prospering, endurance, and food, across centuries. An investigation of the Hindu Human progress hence is helpful for those with Hindu roots as well as for all, as this Civilization depends on the general request of Dharma, and its insider facts are endlessly important.

This program has been planned remembering the necessities of the 21st 100 years and the importance of the Hindu idea and the Hindu Progress for the eventual fate of humankind. Getting to know the Hindu Human advancement and its Insight won't just assist in increasing one's delicate abilities for meeting future difficulties however with willing likewise give the Lucidity, Certainty, Course and Differentiation expected to prevail in that future.

Hindu University of America (HUA) was laid out in 1989 and was approved in 1993 to furnish understudies with a novel scholastic climate to investigate the information frameworks established in and rising up out of Vedic idea for example the methods of reasoning, customs, culture, and development that has come to be called Hinduism in the famous creative mind.

CONTACT - 407-205-2118

WEBSITE- Hindu university of America

EMAIL- saksham.mangwana@hua.edu

Address- 5200 Vineland Rd 125 Orlando, FL 32811

EXTERNAL LINK-                                                                                                           

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