
Showing posts from February, 2023

Advanced Sanskrit Learning | HUA

Certificate Program in Sanskrit Proficiency - Advanced Phase It is comprised of eight courses for students of all ages, including post the high school level (Grade 12 or GED). It is the final of three phases that follow - Intermediate, Beginner and Advanced. They make up the Certificate Program in  Sanskrit Learning  Proficiency. It requires that you have completed the Beginner and Intermediate phases of the Sanskrit proficient program. (Total eight quarters) As students progress in their ability in the language of instruction, they will gradually shift to Sanskrit in a manner that is easy and comfortable. It's an 8 quarter, 88 week intensive co at trains students urse th who have prior Sanskrit Learning Knowledge to be capable of rehearsing reading, writing and writing simple texts and engaging in conversational activities that allow them to take on advanced courses easily. Intermediate Level CPSP is targeted at adults and high school students who are eager to learn the language o

Embracing Hindu Wisdom: An Exploration of Sanatana Dharma - HUA

This Hindu Studies course will provide a comprehensive overview of Hinduism, including its central themes and ideas. The course will delve into the fundamental concepts of Hinduism, including a study of key Sanskrit terms and principal ideas, through selected readings from ancient Hindu scriptures such as the Vedas, Upanishads, Bhagavad-Gita, and Puranas. The course will also compare the Hindu worldview, which is based on the concept of  Sanatana Dharma  and emphasizes duties and responsibilities, with modern Western ideologies that focus on rights and competition. Throughout the course, students will learn about the impact of colonialism on Hinduism and the significance of Hindu studies today, especially in light of the need for intellectual decolonization. By the end of the course, students will be able to: •Explore different aspects of the Hindu Studies program offered by the Hindu University of America            •Distinguish between the central ideas and concepts that consti