
Evolution of Karnatic Music and Shastriya Sangeet - HUA

This course provides a comprehensive study of the history and development of traditional Hindu music , with a particular focus on Karnatic music. The course covers the evolution of Indian music from the ancient Sama Vedic chants to the modern-day practices of the diaspora. The course also examines the impact of Islamic, Persian, and Arab traditions on Indian music. The course comprises lectures, readings, discussions, and guided listening experiences.   Learning Goals:   Familiarity with the significant figures and their works in traditional Indian music , such as Bharata's Natya Sastra, Illango Adigal's Silappathikaram , Sarangdev's Sangita Ratnakara, Venkatamakhi's Chaturdandi Prakasika, Subbarama Dikshitar's Sangita Sampradaya Pradarsini , and Pandit Bhatkhande's work.   Understanding of the contributions of traditional Indian music and Hindu music to the study and perception of Indian music in the West.   Knowledge of the role of the Bhakti movemen

Nyāya and Vaisesika: Two Ways of Classifying the World - HUA

  Nyāya and Vaisesika ontologies are two important ways to classify things in the world, which have their origins in the Vedic thought. These ontologies serve as the foundation for all Indic knowledge traditions and have had a significant impact on the way logic and reasoning are used in Hindu knowledge systems.  The  Nyāya and Vaisesika  systems began with the sutras of Gotama and Kanada, respectively. These systems aimed to make logic and reasoning more systematic and sounder by developing elaborate methods of cognition-centric approach in Indic knowledge systems. Over time, these systems evolved and transformed, eventually merging into the Navya-nyāya system.  The Nyāya Vaisesika Basic Course offered by MIT-SVS is an opportunity for Sanskrit master’s certificate students to explore these systems in-depth. The medium of instruction is Sanskrit, and only students enrolled in the MIT-SVS program can register for the course. The course requires students to have completed the previous MA

Achieve Fluency in Spoken Samskritam with Part 2 - HUA

  The Proficiency in Spoken Samskritam – Part 2 course is for people who want to take their spoken Samskritam skills to the next level. It is the last course in the Micro-Certificate in Spoken Samskritam program. The goal of this course is to help you learn more about advanced-level Samskritam conversations, the Sanskrit alphabet , and how to say Sanskrit words.   Course Content:   The course will take you through Lessons 6 through 15 of the book sambhAShaNa-sopAnam . It will give you the skills you need to understand the Samskritam language and how it can be used in real life. Through this course, you will learn how to say words correctly, build a strong vocabulary, and use nouns, pronouns, verbs, and etiquette words for more complex conversations.   Goals for learning:   The purpose of this course is to help you become better at speaking Samskritam . You will learn to understand high-level music Samskritam conversations without any help in English. By using case endings, tenses